Home / Rollator Topro Olympos ATR Off-road incl rugsteun

Rollator Topro Olympos ATR Off-road incl rugsteun

  • Detail
    Topro rollator Norwegian quality!
    Do you like going out to areas with lots of gravel, sand, uneven roads, etc.?
    Then choose the Olympos ATR Offroad rollator.
    This is without a doubt the rollator for all terrains. Especially thanks to the wide front wheels - with an even deeper profile, compared to the Olympos ATR rollator (is the only difference) - you are guaranteed a comfortable, but above all reliable rollator. 
    This one has Special shaped handles!!
    This rollator is a Norwegian design and is also manufactured in Norway.
    The brand is TOPRO, which strives for top quality and is one of the few rollator manufacturers to offer a 7-YEAR WARRANTY.
    The TOPRO Olympos ATR has a 7-year warranty (excluding parts subject to natural wear and tear and excluding assembly). The rollator is tested and approved according to TÜV NS-EN ISO 11199-2 (standard for safety and quality for rollator) and EN ISO 10993-1 (standard for biocompatibility).
    This model is the TOPRO OLYMPOS ATR, colour BLACK.
    This premium rollator is specially designed for outdoor use.
    Its wide design ensures stability and maximum support in an outdoor environment.
    Combined with large front wheels and shock-absorbing tyres, the Olympos ATR is the perfect choice for reliable and comfortable support in outdoor activities.
    * NEN-EN-ISO ISO 9001 - quality * NEN-EN-ISO ISO 14001 - environment * NEN-EN-ISO ISO 11199-2 - walker * NEN-EN-ISO ISO 11199-2 - rollator * NEN-

    Specifications Topro Olympos Rollators Small & Midium
    Topro Olympos Small
    User length 140 - 170 cm
    Seat height 54 cm
    Handle height 71 - 87 cm
    Width between handles 50 cm
    Maximum length 76 cm
    Maximum width 70.5 cm
    Dimensions folded H 83 x W 29 x L 76 cm
    Weight 8,8 kg
    Max. user weight 150 kg
    Colour silver
    Topro Olympos Medium
    User length 150 - 195 cm
    Seat height 60 cm
    Handle height 76 - 95 cm
    Width between handles 50 cm
    Maximum length 76 cm
    Maximum width 70.5 cm
    Dimensions folded H 86 x W 27 x L 76 cm
    Weight 9,1 kg
    Max. user weight 150 kg
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